
Posts Tagged ‘adhesion’

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to Miss Kelley’s blog for your LSHS Biology class.  I have had a great time so far this year getting to know you all. This is going to be a resource for you outside of class. I hope to include information on topics we are covering as well as supplementary information that may help you understand some of the more challenging information.  I know your teacher Mrs. McGough, has a site on moodle where you can get information about things we are doing in class. On this site she has links to the worksheets we use in class as well as any homework that is due. Because of this, I’m not going to re-post this information. Hopefully you can use this site as a source for help outside of school.

So far this year we have hit a lot of introductory information. We looked at some characteristics of living things, levels of biological organization, the metric system, the scientific method, charts and graphs, the composition of a lab report, introductory chemistry, bonding, properties of water, and organic compounds. Wow! Now the fun begins, the real biology.

This past week we looked at properties of water and some basic bonding information.

Here is a great video that goes over the properties of water for you. I know the narration is a little soft so just crank it up! It goes over cohesion, surface tension, capillary action, and adhesion. This video does go a little further in depth than we did in class so don’t worry if you hear things you don’t remember talking about with us.

Finally, this video shows a guy very matter of factly demonstrating the pepper and water experiment you can see at the end of the previous video. Now you know why this happens!

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